It is my hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy during these challenging times. I wanted to provide you with an update in regards to this year’s VTEEA Summer Conference.
The VTEEA Board of Directors met Friday (virtually) to discuss how to proceed. Based upon the recommendations provided by the 2020 VTEEA Conference Coordinator (Mr. Bruce Watson, Goochland County) and the VTEEA executive committee, the VTEEA Board of Directors voted to postpone the 2020 VTEEA Summer Conference until July 2021. The conference will remain in Goochland.
The 2021 conference scheduled for Frederick County will be moved to July 2022. The dates for both of these conferences will take place during the third week of July. The official dates will be determined once the conference directors are able to make the necessary changes with the facilities.
VTEEA will not attempt to create a full conference virtually for the summer of 2020. Rather, our goal is to focus on offering a few targeted virtual trainings such as new teacher’s orientation, how to teach in an online environment, online resources available in TEE, etc. that will be provided over the next four months, free of charge to our teachers/members. Separate announcements and signups for these trainings will be out shortly.
The VTEEA Board of Directors voted that the Program and Teacher of the Year Awards will be awarded this year along with the stipend to attend the 2021 ITEEA conference to receive the national award. Given current COVID-19 status, the requirement for a site visit to be completed will be waived and the award will be based on the application materials only. If there is an issue with nominees collecting all the necessary materials, please contact BJ Scott to update him of the issue.
The VTEEA Board of Directors voted that the scholarship recipients for 2020 will be awarded and based solely upon application materials. The Board of Directors/Committee Chair transition will take place during the Annual Business Meeting, to be held on July 23rd (virtually) starting at 10am until 12pm.
These are unique times. As Technology and Engineering Education teachers, we are used to constant change. That is just who we are...always evolving and taking on the next set of challenges in order to prepare our students for the future. More information will be shared over the next few weeks as it becomes available. We will temporarily take down the conference website while we are completing updates but will work to have it up and running within a week or two with the new dates. Until then, all the best!
Virginia Technology and Engineering Education Association
Board of Directors